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A Piece Of Productivity A Day Keeps The Death Away

A Piece Of Productivity A Day Keeps The Death Away

I’ve been having trouble with my productivity for some time now. There’s a love-hate relationship between me and productivity that is counterproductive when I think about it. Get it, counterproductive because I keep thinking of productivity without being productive?

I’ve been having a lot of thoughts, about a lot of different things. The big questions, the kinds that everyone has asked themselves at least once in their life, questions such as

A Conversation With Hope

A young girl is sitting by herself on one of a few gazebos some distance away from the shoreline. Her feet are dangling by the side of the wooden structure that is perched on a sloped hill, barely touching the white sands that continue down all the way to the sea. She wears an off-white loose T-shirt with a red and black plaid shirt on top, and a pair of black, slightly over-the-knee shorts that may have been a size too big on her with the tightly crumpled part on her side, with a small brown be
Mæry Evelyn

February 14th, the Birth of Valentine’s Day (Post)

Valentine’s Day came to be the worldwide phenomenon celebrated by many today (and rejected by some, yes opposition to valentine’s day does exist) because of several leaps of seemingly unrelated events from different centuries, with different historical figures, and by different recountings.

To summarize the whole history of Valentine’s Day, it involves the martyrdom of at least one Saint Valentine, the attempt to replace ancient Rome’s paganistic matchmaking ritual, and a poem written by an English poet, and then it took off from there. What’s interesting is....

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